Implosion Coming?
David imploded. He slept with the wife of one of his generals then in shame and fear, had the general killed in battle. Psalm 51 is a public declaration of the egregious sin and repentance. Could it have been stopped? Something to think about. Saul, on the other hand, live a life of implosion. Time after time, he would throw spears in a fit of rage, accuse friends and family of conspiracy, even threaten the very people he should be empowering and celebrating. When you don’t value the family of God and your relationship with God as the most important thing in your life, you’ll ruin relationships and one day… implode.
Use the questions below to see if you are near implosion?
Is there someone in my life that I used to be close with that I now have strife with? Is it possible that I’m holding a grudge or holding an expectation too high for them? Am I forgetting they’re human - flawed - just like me.
Is there someone I am blaming for my own sense of hurt or a feeling of disappointment?
If I were to ask others “Am I generally an angry person or a pleasant person?” How would they respond? A great Psychologist once asked “The bravest thing you can do is to ask those close to you ‘What is it like being on the other side of me?”
What can I do this week to develop a stronger, un-distracted time with God that is routine but not rigid? Go on a walk with God every __________. Journal by thanking God in one document every __________ weekly then asking Him Pray: same time, same place
P.R.A.Y. Praise Respond Ask Yield is a good starting point to prayer.
Isolation. Boredom. Pride. When these three reside in your life, you’re headed toward implosion, a drastic sinful mistake, a moral failure.
Think of these as the flashing warning lights. Even if you THINK You are right with the Lord - you’re going to church - you’re maybe on a serve team - maybe you’re even a leader - you lead a team - but if you are becoming more and more isolated, bored and judgmental of others (prideful) then you are on your way toward an implosion! Christians who implode are those who did stuff FOR God but didn’t take the proper time to just be WITH God - letting the Spirit excavate their heart and remove the sin and debris after a time of worshiping Jesus, beholding His holiness and wonder!
Ask yourself … Self, am I more judgmental of others lately, thinking that I’m doing more than them. (similar to week 2 of the series looking at Martha & Mary story)
Do have recent hurt? I believe one of the motivators of David’s sin with Bathsheeba is that David’s wife Micha had just ridiculed him instead of celebrating with him as he brought the ark of the covenant home to Jerusalem. He was hurt. He and his wife were distant. David’s hurt led to his vulnerability. Do you have a recent hurt you need to be aware of? Recognizing it’s tendency to make you vulnerable is step 1.
Do you have a past hurt? Is there something from years ago that is still tripping you up? This was Saul’s case. For years, he couldn’t let go of jealousy, disappointment, and the like which led to an angry lifestyle - one that broken just about every relationship he was given.