The Book
So many believers have the wrong mindset…
“My pastor needs to pray for my coworker. I’ll connect them.”
“God doesn’t really want to work through my life. After all I’ve done wrong. I’ve …”
“I don’t really have much to give. Other people are more qualified."
“I’m not one of those creative people.”
It is these limiting beliefs and I’ll just say it… LIES from Satan himself that is causing churches across America to close as the body of Christ is expecting a few people with degrees on the wall to do the work of the ministry. But is that what the Bible indicates? No!
The Bible indicates that…
The Pastors and 5 fold ministers equip the saints for the work of the ministry. This book will do just that. Equip you to know your role and codify how best you can begin to serve others and do your work of art.
The Spirit of God fills every believer who asks and inspires (breathes new life) into the creative work God ordained them to create since time began.
We are to “fill the earth” and “multiply” the goodness and glory of God. But many believers when hearing that aren’t sure where to begin.
“Good Stewards” multiply what King Jesus gave them and we will all be held accountable to that. Our work, our 9 to 5, matters to God, yes in telling someone the Gospel, but also apart from telling someone the Gospel. Simply doing your work as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:10) as a creative work of art is an act of worship and an expression of faith. His Spirit can infuse and inspire your work and bring Him great glory pointing many to the Son!
That’s why I’m excited about this book! It’s a wake-up call for the sleeping believer. It’s a call to action to begin using their Spiritual gifts and the power given to us by the Holy Spirit regardless of our background, history, location, and economic status! This book inspires every Christian to take their faith seriously and their identity as a child of God, heir to the Kingdom and an artist at work. In it, we also identify Satan for who he is as the Imposter, Intruder and Accuser. Doing so helps you discern when your thought is actually his lie. If every believer read this book, I believe we’d see revival in the streets and churches over-crowded (and hell a lot less populated)
On the Ask Think Imagine podcast, I get to sit down with some of the most creative Christians I know and hear their story and I’d like to invite you to join us at the table. 5 Questions I’ll be asking every Creative:
How did you get your start in the _____________ field?
How have you seen God use your content/art/music/leadership to inspire lost or hurting people to look to Jesus?
Who has been a source of incredible inspiration or a voice of wisdom for you in your creative journey?
Why do you do what you do? What’s your aim and motivation for your work?
How can people learn more about what you do?
Have you ever wondered like I have “Where is my tribe?”
Well that’s what my hope is with IMAGINE GROUPS. It’s a place where you can meet with other Christian Creatives to imagine, brainstorm, hangout, paint together, make music, write songs, draft business plans, whatever is stiring in your heart. Select the group that makes the most sense for you but like I said in the book, sometimes your greatest inspiration for your work of art will come from new experiences with new people. So… be open! Open-minded, open-hearted and open-handed.